Friday, January 21, 2011

The Best of Both Worlds

These will for sure be the bridesmaids at my wedding. No doubt in my mind.

While no word can describe these except, YES.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oh the joy of winter...

I found all of these quotes to be incredibly appropriate. 

Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours."  ~Robert Byrne

Every mile is two in winter.  ~George Herbert

I like these cold, gray winter days.  Days like these let you savor a bad mood.  ~Bill Watterson

Winter either bites with its teeth or lashes with its tail.  ~Proverb

A lot of people like snow.  I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.  ~Carl Reiner

Dear beautiful Spring weather, I miss you.  Was it something I said?  ~"Skipper" Kim Corbin

Oh yes. And welcome back Sundance. This year you have brought more snow, more traffic, and more comments along the lines of "you are so lucky to live here!" (meanwhile it is negative 10 and snowing outside). Oh how i have missed you...

Guinea Pig

I had a dream last night about my childhood pet, Pig. Yes i had a Guinea Pig named Pig. This is him in all his cuteness with my dog Kelsey...

He was absolutely the greatest. Even my parents loved him. I attempt to take him on walks and I'd let him play in the yard. And i fed him almost anything i could get my hands on. However, his favorite food by far was watermelon. I used to give him a bath every month in our sink and he would paddle around (although he didn't enjoy the water as much as i liked washing him). I used to use dog shampoo and then dry him off with a towel. I would let him run around my room all the time and he had his fair share of accidents, but i always cleaned them up before my parents could find out. I loved taking him to Petco whenever I bought him food or bedding because i would take him in a little carrier of just wrapped in towel and I would show him off to every single person in the store. 

We got him from a woman who didn't want him anymore, and she had bought him from the state fair so he had a little tag in his ear. I really wish that i was young enough to have another pig because despite being rodents, they really are quite affectionate. They usually don't mind being held and every time someone walks into the room they make high pitched squeaking noises and and on the bars of their cage to get attention. 

I used to take Pig downstairs in a box every Christmas morning and show him all of presents. The first year that we got him I begged my parents to get him a stocking and so they got me a very small, plain stocking and i decorated it. Then every Christmas he would get a new water bottle, some treats, and a toy or bedding. I'm not sure if he enjoyed it as much as I did, but he would start squeaking when we opened his stocking so he must have enjoyed it. The most amazing thing was that my dog and Pig got along exceptionally well. The dog that we have now probably would have tried to hunt my pig, but Kelsey snuggled with him whenever he was out of his cage. What a cutie he was :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

50 things you should know about me

  1. i work as a lifeguard in the summer...the tan is amazing!
  2. i live off of milk
  3. i have (sadly) never been outside of the united states
  4. but i have been to a lot of places in the united states!
  5. i am trying to learn guitar 
  6. my life dream is to become a country singer
  7. i really wish i lived somewhere where people actually enjoy dressing themselves up a bit
  8. i am completely in love with the idea of living in italy. it sounds like a dream
  9. but i'm also completely in love with the idea of living on a farm
  10. i have absolutely no idea where to go to college
  11. i love eating pretty much anything
  12. if given a choice to try something new or do something i knew i liked, i'd always go for trying something new
  13. i love shopping
  14. i don't think that there is ever a wrong time to bring a girl flowers, especially if you hand-pick them
  15. i love guinea pigs! i think that they're absolutely adorable! 
  16. i have a very cute mutt named Trooper
  17. i have always wanted to look like Rose from Titanic
  18. or Allie from the Notebook
  19. my friend and i have goals to travel the world and make friends all over the globe
  20. i have always wanted to have an amazing and colorful garden 
  21. i love the smell of rain
  22. i love taking pictures or having them taken of me
  23. i think that being completely spontaneous is the best way to have a good time
  24. i love being surprised
  25. i love to people watch
  26. i really want to be fluent in a second language
  27. i think that handwritten letters will never lose their charm. There is something very romantic about the idea of sending and receiving letters in the mail. Waiting for a response makes it even better
  28. chocolate is the best comfort food
  29. i love swimming
  30. one of my goals is to learn how to ballroom dance. I'd like to be able to get onto a dance floor at a classy restaurant and be able to show off a little
  31. i have one younger brother
  32. i have never broken a bone
  33. however i have been burned. to make a long story short i probably won't cook around my friends for a while
  34. i really like vintage clothes
  35. old time diners are adorable. waitresses with roller skates and itsy-bitsy uniforms. why did we ever change that?
  36. i also love old-fashioned roller rinks
  37. i would love to learn how to make tamales
  38. i really think that reading is much better when you have an actual book in your hands. the idea of an e-reader just isn't as appealing.
  39. i think that newspapers are one of the best things that ever happened to the world
  40. i also teach swim lessons to children in the summer. and as a swim teacher i'd just like to tell everyone, it is very annoying when parents try to participate in the lesson. let me teach your kid.
  41. with that being said i respect parents who make learning how to swim a priority for their children
  42. valentines day is never a good holiday. it doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not
  43. i love anything with lace 
  44. i also love anything with flowers
  45. cursive is very important for everyone to learn. having good handwriting is a must
  46. i think that manners are one of the most important things that someone can pass on to their child
  47. for my personal life, i tend to go with more traditional beliefs
  48. but that doesn't mean i am against change, i just think that the recent changes have made the world less romantic
  49. never put your relationship status on facebook. the people who need to know, will know. 
  50. i was told the other day by a complete stranger that i would change the world. i really hope i don't let him down.