Sunday, December 4, 2011

Check her out!

My friend Grace has started a photography business and I just did a shoot with fun!!! I would suggest looking at her work.

One of the photos from our shoot! I loved them all

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Check out owl city's new album ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL just in time for summer!!! It was immediately added to my stoked on summer playlist :)

Enjoy :)


School is finally out and the weather is warming up!! Along with my life... :D Lots of country music concerts and finally I have a redneck to go with! It looks like its gonna be a good summer! Maybe even the best one ever? I'm stoked to find out! So cheers to summer and everything that comes with it

Sunday, May 29, 2011


So I have kind of forgotten all about updating the world wide web about my adventures in high school, mostly because I have had none. Its fantastic. So I think I'm going to give up on that endeavor and perhaps write about something slightly more relevant. Which could be anything. In fact I have no idea what to write about. I'll just start talking. Something interesting is bound to come up. Alright. I think that small towns are overrated. I think it would be nice to live in one perhaps when you already have a man, but when you're single, it just limits your possibilities. Also, living in a resort town is not all that its cracked up to be. It snows ALL THE TIME which is horrid. Also, people who come to visit seem to think that everyone in the  town is just as excited to see them as their five-star-hotel manager. Sometimes we have bad days too. Just because we live in a postcard doesn't mean our lives behave in that way. And I realize that i am making a generalization; not all people act that way when they come to visit. But a whole lot of them do. Like if I don't go out of my way to hold the door open for them at a restaurant when its below zero outside and my hair is wet, I must be a horrible, miserable, spoiled brat. So that has grown old. Also, I'm tired of people asking me if I am going to ski race next year. Because I doubt that they actually care. And if they do, then maybe they could make it a bit more obvious. Mostly, I think they want to know so that they have another piece of gossip to spread around. On a slightly more positive note, I am almost done with high school for the year and then I will have one fabulous summer off to do whatever I please. And I plan on getting things done. Hopefully it will be fun. I think I'm done rambling for today so I'm gonna go...hope it was interesting!

It's snowing...

...and it is May 29th. Does anyone else have a problem with this? I'm sorry if i was confused but my understanding of the seasons was that generally spring means flowers and budding trees, not snow. But perhaps I have the wrong idea since it is currently snowing outside.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mommas Day!!!

I have gifted my mother with the following assortment of goodies: Chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate nut clusters, chocolate roses and daisies and seashells, some with nuts and some without, plus a chocolate/peanut butter swirl bar topped off with sea salt. All homemade. YUM. I consider it a present to my mother, but really it is a present to myself as well because I will surely be eating them. Now go get your mom something nice. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh also...

Someone asked me the other day if I was interested in anyone. And the answer is yes. Absolutely. I am completely taken with the following two men.

1. Matt Damon. Come on, who couldn't love him. I've had a celeb crush on him since I was 11. It's nice.


2. The Young Leonardo Dicaprio. Not so much the older version, but in his Titanic days, he was fine.

Yeah. Oh my god. My eyes just enjoyed themselves quite a bit.

So those are my choice men. Available? No. But who cares. That doesn't stop some people from trying. Still I like to think I'm a little more classy than that. I'll simply wait until they are available. Until then, yay for the internet. :)

Day 2 of my High School Chronicles

Today I was talking to a friend about prom. He asked if anyones had asked me and I said no. He then started ranting about how he knew so many girls who weren't going just because they hadn't been asked and that the guys in our school need to "sack up" and start asking them. I concur my friend, I really do.

Also, recently an old friend of mine has started to talking to me again. She seems to want to go on like nothing has changed and we're still fine and dandy, which you know is fine with me and all. But here's the thing. She is a total bitch to people in front of them and she never used to be like that. And I really don't want to be associated with that. So yes it is confusing.

Lastly, since it is warming up, I would like to send a message out to all the girls in the world. Just because it is warm does not mean that you need a double dose of perfume. We can still smell you. Just because it is warm does not mean that anyone and everyone is allowed to wear ridiculous heels to school. I am, of course, a huge fan of heels, but really we need to lay some ground rules. If the heels don't g with your outfit DON'T WEAR THEM. If you are wearing a teeny miniskirt, DON'T WEAR HEELS. Also, just because the weather is warm does not mean that you can expose your entire body. Show off your features in moderation. If you choose to show off your legs, you cannot also show off your cleavage. That is sending the wrong signal ladies. If I can see your cootchie, your skirt is too short. If I can see your bra, you either need a nude bra or a higher cut shirt. Lastly, just because it is spring does not mean that you need more makeup than in winter. Your face does not need to compete with nature for attention. Come on now. Please try to be classy occasionally.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Chronicles of a High School Girl

So I have decided to write down my very personal experiences in high school, mostly for myself, but feel free to take a read if you'd like. I suppose it will be fun, perhaps entertaining, and if i'm lucky one day I can rewrite it all and turn it into a book/movie. Thats the plan. So here it goes.

Day 1: Nothing really happened today other than a babysitting job and trying my hardest to figure out prom plans (Which is kinda hard to do when NO ONE you know has any plans and you don't have a date). Overall not a very eventful day. I found out over the weekend that the hotsie-totsie guy in my weights class is a freshman (!!!!!) which makes him the same age as my younger brother. Which is so creepy. I thought he was at least a sophomore.

Also the man of my dreams, or so I think, has recently made it official that he is dating my arch-enemy. Nice. It's real nice. Gag me.

However, on deeper thoughts, people in high school annoy me. No one gives a damn about the environment or politics or economics or ANYTHING even though we are all being thrust into that world in less than 2 years. Now really people, get involved. It's like no one even cares about their education anymore. Sure we think it's horrible that middle-eastern girls don't get to go to school, but then when we go we waste it away texting and twirling our hair instead of trying to get something out of it? I'm sorry, but I don't think teachers should have to put up with that, especially in high school when we are supposed to be maturing. Come back when you aren't acting like a hormonal 12 year old, thanks.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I hate when you go to unfriend someone on facebook to see that they unfriended you first. It is so disappointing to miss out on that satisfaction. And to know that they got it first.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Something about puppies always seems to brighten anyones day. And also potentially causes an impulse decision to bring home a bundle of cuteness :)

i have been that awkward middle is no fun


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So at the moment I am sitting on a balcony in florida and I realized that I could care less about anything that was bothering me yesterday. Seriously it seems to far away to be worth thinking about. It's nice to be able to really relax, I mean truly just do nothing but enjoy it all. Back home it seems much harder to do but here it's so easy. I just took an hour long nap in the sun, just because. And now maybe I'll go for a walk on the boardwalk. Who knows. It's just nice to know that there is at least one place in the world where I know I can be carefree. And if anyone actually reads my blog (which I highly doubt, I'm not that naive) then I would like to know where your favorite place to relax is. Because I think that all of us need it from time to time. THE END

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I love face masks!

These are all super easy and they require ingredients that you are likely to have at your house! Check them out...

11 DIY Face Masks

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm getting my life back!!

I found a place to ride over the summer and all I have to do in return is feed the horses and clean the trailer occasionally!! I am so pleased and cannot wait to get back in the saddle and start jumping again. I already have my new riding boots :) Plus I am hopefully going to have a job again soon and will be starting to volunteer (although i haven't decided between the hospital and the animal shelter). I am so happy with everything but I wish the weather would match my mood....

Friday, March 18, 2011


I would encourage everyone to watch this very touching video and check out the link in the description below the video. World Vets is preparing to send a first group of ground rescue vets to assess the damage and try to relieve some of the displaced animals in Japan.

Dog in Japan After Devastation

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Look at these blogs!

I have found my new favorite blogging website. I love everything that these women are writing about because it is all relevant to everyday life. I think I have some new inspiration!

All Women Stalk

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Your Name Means

Check out this site!

I think it comes up as very accurate...

You entered: Kiley
There are 5 letters in your name.
Those 5 letters total to 26
There are 2 vowels and 3 consonants in your name.

What your first name means:
IrishMaleA place-name referring to the narrows; a wood or a church.
GaelicMaleA place-name referring to the narrows; a wood or a church.

Your number is: 8
The characteristics of #8 are: Practical endeavors, status oriented, power-seeking, high-material goals.
The expression or destiny for #8:
Your Expression is represented by the number 8. The 8 Expression is well-equipped in a managerial sense. You have outstanding organizational and administrative capabilities. You have the potential for considerable achievement in business or other powerful positions. You can expect to receive the financial and material rewards. You have the skill and abilities to establish or operate a business with great efficiency. You have good judgment when it comes to money and commercial matters, and you understand how to build and accumulate material wealth. Much of your success (or lack of it) may come due to your ability (or inability) to judge character. With the number 8 Expression, you exercise sound judgment in most of your affairs; you are realistic and practical in your approach to business matters.
The positive 8 Expression produces individuals that are very ambitious and goal-oriented. If the 8 energy is not in excess in your makeup, you will no doubt express these traits to some extent. No one has any more energy that a person with the 8 Expression who has a plan laid and is starting to work. No one has any more self-confidence, either. If you are expressing the positive qualities of 8, you are an outstanding manager because you can plan, initiate, and complete projects; you are very dependable and determined.
As it always happens, there can be too much of a good thing. If you have too much of the 8 energy in your makeup, you may express some of the negative attitudes. A negative 8 can be very rigid and stubborn. Ambition sometimes has a way of becoming over-ambition, and you may express an unreasonable impatience with the lack of progress. If your negative side is showing, you may be too exacting, both of yourself and of others. Sometimes this can even becomes a case of intolerance.
The number 8 is very materialistic and also very desirous of status and power. Neither of these drives are inherently negative unless they are taken to an extreme. You must avoid the tendency to strain after money, material matters, status, or power, to the detriment of the other important factors in your life.
Your Soul Urge number is: 5
A Soul Urge number of 5 means: 
The 5 soul urge or motivation would like to follow a life of freedom, excitement, adventure and unexpected happening. The idea of travel and freedom to roam intrigues you. You are very much the adventurer at heart. Not particularly concerned about your future or about getting ahead, you can seem superficial and unmotivated.
In a positive sense, the energies of the number 5 make you very adaptable and versatile. You have a natural resourcefulness and enthusiasm that may mark you as a progressive with a good mind and active imagination. You seem to have a natural inclination to be a pace-setter. You are attracted to the unusual and the fast paced.
You may be overly restless and impatient at times. You may dislike the routine work that you are engaged in, and tend to jump from activity to activity, without ever finishing anything. You may have difficulty with responsibility. You don't want to be tied down to a relationship, and it may be hard to commit to one person.
Your Inner Dream number is: 3
An Inner Dream number of 3 means: 
You dream of artistic expression; writing, painting, music. You would seek to more freely express your inner feeling and obtain more enjoyment from life. You also dream of being more popular, likable, and appreciated.

Monday, February 21, 2011



  [par-uh-dahys, -dahyz]  Show IPA
heaven, as the final abode of the righteous.
an intermediate place for the departed souls of the righteousawaiting resurrection.
often initial capital letter Eden def. 1 .
a place of extreme beautydelight, or happiness.
a state of supreme happiness; bliss.
Architecture .
an enclosure beside a church, as an atrium or cloister.
initial capital letter, italics Italian, Pa·ra·di·so [pah-rah-dee-zaw]  Show IPA. the third and concluding part of Dante's Divine Comedy, depicting heaven, through which he is guided by Beatrice.Compare inferno def. 3 purgatory def. 2 .
before 1000; Middle English, Old English paradīs  < Late Latinparadīsus  < Greek parádeisos  park, pleasure-grounds < Iranian; compare Avestan pairi-daēza  enclosure