Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I love face masks!

These are all super easy and they require ingredients that you are likely to have at your house! Check them out...

11 DIY Face Masks

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm getting my life back!!

I found a place to ride over the summer and all I have to do in return is feed the horses and clean the trailer occasionally!! I am so pleased and cannot wait to get back in the saddle and start jumping again. I already have my new riding boots :) Plus I am hopefully going to have a job again soon and will be starting to volunteer (although i haven't decided between the hospital and the animal shelter). I am so happy with everything but I wish the weather would match my mood....

Friday, March 18, 2011


I would encourage everyone to watch this very touching video and check out the link in the description below the video. World Vets is preparing to send a first group of ground rescue vets to assess the damage and try to relieve some of the displaced animals in Japan.

Dog in Japan After Devastation

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Look at these blogs!

I have found my new favorite blogging website. I love everything that these women are writing about because it is all relevant to everyday life. I think I have some new inspiration!

All Women Stalk